all four vt_pageImageSize* CVars to 16384.vt_restart - is necessary for most/all CVars starting with the prefix 'vt_' to have an effect.vt_cudaBudget (if using CUDA) - to a value below your frame time.Set it to 0 or 2 (default) in case of minifreezes. Set jobs_numthreads to 1 (for low end CPUs this needs to be turned on in-game console, or wolfconfig with it turned to read only, or in the shortcut (+jobs_numthreads 1).To turn on game mode, you need to set windowed mode temporarily. DISPLAY MODE: borderless windowed mode (posible tearing on full screen too).if you have an Intel CPU with 4 physical cores and HT and you experience lags with the variable set to 64, try setting the value to 16). set the value to no more than 8 for CPUs with 2 or 4 cores and to 16 for CPUs with 6 or more cores (e.g. VIRTUAL TEXTURE MAX PPF: 16 (0 or 1 is the fastest - but cause more texture popping, 4 may be good one, in some cases 64, in others 128 or even around 10000 ).VIRTUAL TEXTURE COMPRESSION: ENABLED (or disabled on non-Nvidia GPU, and while not exceeding VRAM).VERTICAL SYNC: OFF (you can try to force it in GPU control panel instead, and then turn on triple buffering in GPU control panel ).Certain details on id Tech 5 causes problems even on recent GPUs (esp.